Best Practices for the Forestry Sector
The purpose of the Return to Work (RTW) Programs are to provide fair, transparent and consistent practices for accommodating employees who have been ill, injured or have sustained a permanent impairment, to enable their early and safe return to work. In addition, the Program is intended to be a collaborative and supportive workplace process between managers , workers and unions where applicable..
Employers undertakes to provide safe, gainful and meaningful employment for employees with disabilities. This commitment applies to employees with permanent and/or temporary, work-related and/or non work-related disabilities.
The main focus of a RTW Plan is to return the employee to their pre injury employment and to accommodate the needs of that employee unless to do so would cause undue hardship on the parties. A RTW Program should also ensure that hazards or barriers identified through the process will be a consideration for proactive prevention efforts. The RTW procedure outlined below will have regard for all applicable legislation.
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